Sunday, June 21, 2009

Well I am home from Hawaii. I have been very busy with school and the kids so I certainly have been neglecting my blog. I caught a cold from my niece and brought it home with me. I have tried for last few weeks to get rid of it but it is lingering on. It has had a very strong hold on me. I haven't been to church in two weeks because of it. I also have not been able to go to work. I would not wish how I feel on anyone.

Off to another topic. I have been in school for four weeks now and I feel so behind. I am taking two classes and this online thing is crazy. I would rather sit in class for two hours and listen to the teacher than take an online course.I am taking accounting and English and I am frustrated with both on them. My fall classes are all at the school so I am very happy about that.

I also am trying to decide what to do about my fish ponds. I want expand my in ground one to a 20 x 10 and just not sure yet when I can do that. I have lots of plants if anyone would like some. I also have tons of snails if you would like those too. I have little nurseries in my big barrels. I would be very happy to share.

Well that's all for now I am going to bed. Goodnight!


dubby said...

I agree -- I can't do online classes either.

Dianna said...

Ugh. Colds. Feel better soon! :)