Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello, Everyone!

Today is a BIG day for the Jarvis Family. We are going to Court in the morning to see if the children's father should have any visitation with them. He would like me to be behind bars so that he could have the kids. I know that is not possible. I just was hoping that you would say a Prayer for my children and I. That the outcome will be for their benefit and that of course everyhting will be fine. The older girls are very worried about talking to the Judge in front of the whole courtroom and the younger kids don't want to see their father in any way shape or from. It has been a tough few months since we were served by the Sheriff's department. Please keep us in your prayers especially my children. I so want this done and over with. I want this to be the final time that we are ever in Court again.

Jessie is missing the day at Governor's School and Meagan is missing out on a Cool Chemistry class. The younger kids will be missing out as well. I have faith that everything will be okay but, I still struggle with the jitters going to court. Having been 80 times in the last 7 years it still gets to me every time I go.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone also for the wonderful inspiration that YOU all are to my children and I. I know that great things are in store for us. My faith has been tested but through the help from all of you I know we will prevail.

Thank You and Goodnight!! Nicole


Jen said...

I will always keep your family in my prayers. I hope and pray you have that outcome that you desire.

Unknown said...

It's Thursday night and so your day is mostly over. I hope everything turned out well for you and your children. You have been through so much and deserve a break. You have the sweetest children- you have done such a good job with them.