Wednesday, December 10, 2008

School's over for the semester!

Well I finally finished school for the semester. Met with my Teacher and showed her my PowerPoint Presentation. I passed with a 100 and for my final grade for the Semester I passed with a 98. I made the "A" list. I have enjoyed going to school and even signed up for 3 more classes next semester. I feel like I have accomplished a lot with just this one class. It was lots of fun.. I am very proud of myself. Is that wrong to be proud of oneself for passing a class? Any comments?


Dianna said...

HECK no!!! You BETTER be proud of yourself! That's great! Good job! Being an excellent example for the munchkins. Although they're not so small anymore.... But you're doing great, so if you're not proud of you then I am!

Jen said...

I agree with Dianna, man, if I went back to school, it would be a freaking miracle if I had passed any of my classes. It is something you worked really hard on it and you deserve the credit and the glory. So celebrate!

Lagos Family said...

Be proud! I know how it feels, and it feels good to pass classes... we put so much effort into them so we can progress and move on to something a bit more challenging exciting, we grow and learn so much through he process. I know for myself.... after each class I take I feel so many windows open up in the word, I have more knowledge thus I am more opinionated :) and can carry on conversations with a variety of people holding my own ground with knowledge and experiences of my own. Nicole you will see the same thing happen for you. Good work and good luck with next semester. What 3 classes did you sign up for??

dubby said...

I have been student AND teacher and I HATE being the student. It is hard! Something to be proud of --- Congratulations.