Friday, July 18, 2008

Quiet house lonely Mom

For a couple of days I will only have two kids at home. It has been really strange to not have all the kids here. I don't know how to cook for just three people. The house is very quiet except for the dogs barking. Emma and Ian have played Nintendo DS together so I don't have to think of things to do with them. They have gotten along very well. I am surprised since there is a big difference in ages. But, they watch tv, play games and they have even mowed the lawn together. That is really great for me because I am the one to mow all the time. With it so dry here my allergies act up when I mow. I am sure you are asking where are the other kids. Well, I will tell you.

Meagan and Jessie are at Youth Conference at UVA till tomorrow afternoon. Gabbie is still in California she will be home tomorrow also. So the whole gang will be back together tomorrow. I even had a visitor today. Jared came by and brought gifts for the family from Myrtle Beach. That was a nice surprise. His girlfriend gave me a lovely shell wind chime. I love wind chimes. So that was very sweet of her to think of me. Ian and Emma have just been stuck with boring old mom. I guess they have enjoyed themselves.

I have had more time to work in my fish ponds while everyone has been away. My frog is getting so big. When I figure out how to post pictures I will put some on. My plants are over taking my two whiskey barrel ponds and my small in ground one. I have given away quite a lot of plants and I hope the recipients enjoy them as much as I do. I need to get a few more fish for me in ground one because a local cat has had a free meal of my fish. He swiped my frog with his claw and made a scratch but froggy seems to be doing ok. I really want to dig out a very large area for a big pond in the front yard. One day I will be able to do that.(wistfully said) I love working with the ponds and helping others with theirs. I am not a expert by any means but I have learned a lot from having mine. My friend Karen says I should start my own business. I think that would be lots of fun!!! I just don't think I should try that now. Whats the old saying "don't put off what you can do today". A pond business would be something I would really enjoy. If any readers have ponds I would love to come see them. I have lots of plants to share too. Just let me know.

Well ta ta for now!!


Lund Family said...

I don't believe we are related to the Lunds in Virginia. But who knows, it is possible.
-Anna Lund

Jen said...

Cool, I have always wanted a pond! I can't wait until the kids are gone! I love them and all but I would enjoy having a clean house for a change! (If I can train Jason not to take off all his clothes, in the living room when he gets home!) I am glad to hear that Jared is back into your life..That's great!

Dianna said...

Heehee. we stole some frogs... then we let them go in the boys pond. but now they're all dead. stupid boys. lol ;) glad you're getting some rest time... i hope..